If you have spent a single winter in Central New York, then you know how rough it can be. Roads get icy, heating costs go up, and one of the biggest questions you ask every day is “has the plow gone by yet?” The winters around here are certainly not for the faint of heart.

The cold weather often deters homeowners from thinking about selling. Whether they believe there aren’t as many buyers or it is too hard to plan a move during this season, they would rather wait until spring comes around to start the process. But there are some advantages to selling your home in the winter along with the challenges.

The Pros and Cons

Just because the housing market tends to slow down in the winter does not mean that you should wait until warmer weather to consider selling. Let’s break down some of the pros and cons so you can get an idea of how the process might go.

Pro: Less Competition

Your assumption that fewer people sell in the winter is correct, which makes it an advantage if you choose to go this route. The buyers that are looking for a house may not have a lot of choices, so you could get a lot of interest and a pretty decent deal.

Con: Fewer Buyers

Most people have a similar thought process about buying homes in the winter. Unless they have a lease ending or some other specific circumstances that put them in a time crunch, many buyers will look for homes when the weather turns warm.

Pro: Buyers are Serious

In the warmer seasons, a lot of people who are checking out houses may just be doing some early research. It is easier to attend open houses or schedule viewings when it is nice outside. If people are looking to buy in the winter, they are probably very serious about purchasing your home. They might have a deadline to beat which is why they are searching now, so you won’t have to worry about showing your home to disinterested buyers.

Con: Combatting the Weather

Winter can make selling a little more complicated for several reasons. Snow can cover up some of the details of the house, making pictures less appealing. Natural sunlight is rare, so indoor photos may be a little darker. It could also be harder for your agent to schedule viewings because of winter storms or bad roads, slowing down the selling process.

Tips to Raise Your Chances of Selling

You may not be able to rely on the weather to cooperate and make it easy to attract buyers. But that does not mean that you can’t have success selling your house in the winter. All you need to do is follow a few basic tips to make your home more appealing.

  1. Remove snow that hides the details of your home such as the roof, entryways, windows, etc.

  2. Lean into the holiday spirit with classy decor without going overboard and overwhelming the features of your home.

  3. Emphasize warmth and coziness in the home both in pictures and during viewings, perhaps by having a fire going or laying out decorative blankets and pillows.

  4. Clear the driveway and outdoor walkways of ice and snow.

  5. If possible, wait to take interior pictures until a sunny day. If not, make sure rooms are well-lit. 

Let’s Sell Your CNY Home this Winter

I love helping homeowners sell their houses during the cold season! It can be a cause for celebration during the long, dark months or around the joyful holiday period. Let’s chat today about how to take advantage of this winter selling season to get a great deal for your home and prepare you for the next stage of your life.
